
This document is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute an opinion relating to the purchase or sale of GAMEYOO shares or securities.

Any similar Proposal or Price will be made on fiduciary terms and as permitted by applicable securities and other relevant laws, the above information or analysis does not constitute an investment decision or specific recommendations. This document does not constitute any investment advice on the form of securities, Investment intention, or abetment of investment. This document does not constitute, nor is it understood to provide, any act of purchase or sale, or an invitation to buy or sell securities of any kind, nor is it a contract or promise of any kind.

GAMEYOO indicates that the relevant intended users clearly understand the risks of the GameYoo platform, by participating in the investment, the investor understands and accepts the risks of the project, and is willing to personally assume all corresponding results or consequences thereof.

GAMEYOO expressly disclaims any liability for direct or indirect losses resulting from participation in the GameYoo program, Including:

1. Financial losses due to user trading operations;

2. Any errors, omissions, or inaccurate information arising from personal understanding;

3. Losses arising from personal trading of various blockchain assets and any actions resulting therefrom.

GAMEYOO Token, or "GYC Coins", is a crypto token used by the GameYoo platform.

GYC coins are not an investment.

We cannot guarantee that GYC coins will increase in value, there is also the possibility of a decrease in value under certain circumstances, those who do not use their GYC coins correctly risk losing the right to use GYC coins, and may even lose their GYC coins.

GYC coins are not an ownership or control right.

Control of GYC coins does not imply ownership of GAMEYOO or the GAMEYOO application, GYC Coin does not grant any individual any participation, control, or any decision regarding GAMEYOO and the GAMEYOO application.

Last updated