NFT Staking Rewards

O2E/Own to Earn

The NFT daily staking rewards will produce an amount of 23328(27% x 86400) GYC coins a day, and the NFT weight that you have will determine the staking rewards you will receive. When the total weight (of all the NFT staked at the platform) is still lower than 100,000 (one hundred thousand), 100,000 (one hundred thousand) will take into the calculation.

NFT staking rewards production will be produced each day at UTC+0 time.

The formula for total staking daily rewards is defined as:

When the total NFT weight on the platform is higher or equal to 100,000 (one hundred thousand), the equation for tokens production will be:

Effective staking is defined by staking for at least 24 hours non-stop before rewards are produced.

Besides the initial weight, you can also buy weight packs that will be available on the marketplace and upgrade your NFT weight value for staking.

The currency used to buy those packs will be our native token GYC. Every mystery box will have different prices depending on the total weight of the NFT staking pool.

The price will follow the equation below:

Through the selling of the mystery boxes, there will be some revenue, 30% of it will be transferred to the staking rewards pool and 70% will stay with the team for development costs.

Last updated